Who AM i?

Nice to meet you

There’re actually two mottos I’ve been keeping in mind ever since the first time I saw them.

The first is: ‘Stay hungry, Stay foolish’ by Steve Jobs.

The second is: ‘Do or not do. There is no try’ by master Yoda which sounds pretty familiar if you’re a fan of Star Wars as much as I do.


Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

Think Different

Maintain your curiosity and passion

Instinct and logic go hand in hand

Do or not do.
There is no try.

Your mission, should you choose to accept it?

No one’s really caring about the process. 

It’s for self-retrospection.

Let's connect digitally

TEL: 18251052528

Email: gwt200407@gmail.com

WeChat: Same as TEL

QQ: 2871313864

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